Tuesday, December 19, 2023


 I'd like to ask you to make some dog training related goals for 2024, and I would like to ask you to commit to reading a few books on the subject .  You will learn SO MUCH by committing to reading 3 books.  I can suggest a few, and if you are considering something else and want my opinion on it feel free to ask.

This book is terrific, and is in English, and is available in both physical hardcopy or Kindle, from Amazon Spain.  https://www.amazon.es/Quick-Clicks-Behaviors-Teach-Clicker/dp/192924276X/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_es_ES=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=1TWUHOX5LH4QK&keywords=quick+clicks&qid=1700834990&sprefix=quick+clicks%2Caps%2C943&sr=8-1 

The 2nd thing I recommend you read is actually a digital subscription to Whole Dog Journal, which has an amazing archive of training articles and you get access to their entire archive of back issues.  This "magazine" does not accept any advertising, so it's not swayed by advertiser pressure.  It's "gear reviews" and "food reviews" are fantastic.  It covers medical stuff too.  I approve of their training method, it matches mine.  If there is ONE thing you should get, it's this.  $20 US for one year.  Best thing ever.  https://www.whole-dog-journal.com/landing/subscribe-now-v2/?t=sidebarad 

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